
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Granera Vega, Luis Diego. "Government, Healthcare, and Standard of Living: Evidence from Costa Rica" (2022).  Publications, Working Papers, Graduate, Job Market Papers
Understanding Deductible and Reimbursement Maximum: A Study of Rural China’s Tiered Medical System Graduate, Job Market Papers
Amy Lastuka and Michael Cottingham (2015). "The effect of adaptive sports on employment among people with disabilities," Disability and Rehabilitation. Graduate
Md Ferdous Zaman Sardar (2021). "Adoption and Impact of Mobile Health Services: Experimental Evidence from Bangladesh" Graduate, Job Market Papers
Wong, Kwong-Yu. Dynamic Competition of Real Estate Developers in Hong Kong: Lesson on Counter-cycle Policy. Working Paper, University of Washington, 2021. Graduate, Job Market Papers
High Stakes Investing Under Uncertainty:Evidence from Texas Shale-Oil Producing Firm. Dissertation. Graduate, Job Market Papers, Dissertations
Paul Glewwe, Laine Rutledge, and Bruce Wydick. "Does Child Sponsorship Pay Off in Adulthood?  An International Study of Impacts on Income and Wealth," World Bank Economic Review (forthcoming) Graduate