Castor Professor of Economics Contact Information 206-543-8172 SAV 331 Fields of Interest Econometrics Nonparametric Statistics Optimal Transport Biography Ph.D., Economics, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, 1990 Curriculum Vitae (140.73 KB) Research Selected Research Fan, Y., Henry, M., Pass, B., & Rivero, J. A. (2022). Lorenz map, inequality ordering and curves based on multidimensional rearrangements. arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.09000. Download PDF Fan, Y., X. Shi, and J. Tao (2022), "Partial Identification and Inference in Moment Models with Incomplete Data,” Forthcoming at Journal of Econometrics. Fan, Y. and M. Henry (2021), “Vector Copulas,” Forthcoming at Journal of Econometrics. Fan, Y., F. Han, W. Li, and X-H. Zhou (2020), "On Rank Estimators in Increasing Dimensions,” Journal of Econometrics 214, 379-412. Yanqin Fan and Sang Soo Park, "Nonparametric Inference for Counterfactual Means: Bias-correction, Confidence Sets, and Weak IV," Journal of Econometrics 178 (2014), 45-56. Heng Chen, Yanqin Fan, and Jisong Wu, "A Flexible Parametric Approach to Estimating Switching Regime Models and Treatment Effect Parameters," Journal of Econometrics 181 (2014), 77-91. Yanqin Fan, Robert Sherman, and Matthew Shum. "Identifying Treatment Effects Under Data Combination." Econometrica 82 (2014), 811-22. Fan, Yanqin, Serge Darolles, Jean-Pierre Florens, and Eric Renault. "Nonparametric Instrumental Regression." Econometrica 79.5 (2011): 1541-565. Web. Fan, Yanqin, and Jisong Wu. "Partial Identification of the Distribution of Treatment Effects in Switching Regime Models and Its Confidence Sets." Review of Economic Studies 77.3 (2010): 1002-041. Web. Chen, Xiaohong, Yanqin Fan, and Viktor Tsyrennikov. "Efficient Estimation of Semiparametric Multivariate Copula Models." Journal of the American Statistical Association 101.475 (2006): 1228-240. Web. Fan, Yanqin, and Qi Li. "Consistent Model Specification Tests: Omitted Variables and Semiparametric Functional Forms." Econometrica 64.4 (1996): 865-90. Web. Courses Taught Spring 2025ECON 599 A: Research Issues in Econometrics Autumn 2024ECON 583 A: Econometric Theory I Spring 2024ECON 585 A: Econometric Theory III ECON 599 A: Research Issues in Econometrics Autumn 2023ECON 583 A: Econometric Theory I Spring 2023ECON 585 A: Econometric Theory III ECON 599 A: Research Issues in Econometrics Autumn 2022ECON 583 A: Econometric Theory I Spring 2022ECON 585 A: Econometric Theory III ECON 599 A: Research Issues in Econometrics Affiliations Home Department Economics Related News Related News UW Hosts 2023 Econometrics and Optimal Transport Workshop (August 8, 2023) UW + Amazon Science Hub Statistical Machine Learning & Causal Inference Roundtable (April 3, 2023) Spring 2022 Faculty Spotlight: Professor Yanqin Fan (April 26, 2022) Professor Yanqin Fan receives the 2018 Arnold Zellner Award for Best Paper in Theoretical Econometrics (November 21, 2018) 2017-2018 Buechel Scholarship and Conley Fellowship Recipients Announced (May 10, 2017)