Academic Student Employees


Student employees working in support of research and instruction are subject to policies stated in the UW/UAW contract for Academic Student Employees (ASEs). For purposes of the labor agreement, an Academic Student Employee is an individual working in one of the defined classifications in Article 14, Job Titles and Classifications. The most recent information on the contract may be found at: UW/UAW Contract Introduction. The term “Salaried ASE” refers to an ASE who is appointed on a percentage FTE basis. Appointment percentages may vary, but are normally fifty percent (50%) for at least one academic quarter. The term “Hourly ASE” refers to an ASE who is engaged in projects or assignments for the University on an hourly basis.

Policies on workload, vacation and paid leave are included in this contract. Vacation and paid leave must be approved by the supervisor. Paid work in excess of the normal workload must be approved and coordinated in advance with the supervisor and the Administrator or Chair of the Department of Economics.

All students who receive financial support [fellowships or scholarships] but do not have specific work assignments and work products required of them (service expectancy), “casual” employees, and any ASE who will work less than 110 hours in one or more ASE classifications in a period of 12 calendar months are excluded from the ASE contract. For specifics on how to distinguish between time spent working as an ASE (service expectancy) versus time spent on a student’s own research towards academic progress, see the “Workload” section of the ASE contract.


Department of Economics Open Reader Grader Positions: Winter 2024

Reader/Graders provide diverse services as course assistants, which include grading student papers and examinations. Reader/Grader duties may also include: attendance at lectures, office hours, consultation with instructors and other duties as assigned. Reader/Graders may not perform teaching duties. 

ECON 426 Advanced Financial Economics- A successful applicant will need to have taken intermediate microeconomics. Applications from current graduate students in the Econ program preferred.
Responsibility: Grading Homework and parts of exams (solutions provided). No need to attend lectures or office hours.
If interested, please contact Yu-Chin Chen at


Pay for Reader Graders will be at the standard Economics grader rate: $21.57 per hour * 1 hour per student * class enrollment on 10th day class-list. e.g. for a 35-student class, the total payment would be $21.57* 1 hour * 35 students= $754.95

International Students : If you are employed as a TA/RA/SA/Instructor or any other 50% or 20 hour/week positions, you will need to contact the International Student Services (ISS) Office for approval before applying for these hourly positions. 


Departmental Policies

  • Graduate Student Status and Pay: Information about graduate pay levels and titles based upon academic status and responsibilities.
  • Hourly Student Payrates: Information and examples about calculation of hourly payrates in the Department of Economics.
  • Information for TAs: Supplemental information for all Graduate Student Teaching Assistants, Teaching Associates and Pre-doctoral Lecturers in the Department of Economics.
  • How We Allocate TAships: Department of Economics procedures for TA allocations.

Departmental Position Descriptions and Openings

Position Descriptions

