Graduation is not an automatic process. Please read the details below to ensure a smooth path to graduation, earning your degree, and celebrating the occasion.
On this page:
- What is a Graduation Application?
- How do I request a Graduation Application?
- Graduating Senior Priority Registration (GSP)
- UW Residence Credit Requirement (“Final 60 Credit Requirement”)
- UW Commencement and the Economics Department Graduation Celebration
- Diplomas and Degree Validation
- Omicron Delta Epsilon and Baccalaureate Honors
- Career Planning and Internships
- Alumni Information
- Graduation Checklist for International Students
- Graduating Senior Survey
What is a Graduation Application?
A Graduation Application must be verified with an academic adviser, and it serves the Department’s recommendation to the University for you to earn your degree. Your degree is ultimately granted by UW Graduation & Academic Records (Office of the University Registrar). If you will graduate with a double major or a double degree, you must submit a second Graduation Application with your other department(s) as well.
A "Graduation Application" is also commonly-referred to as "Applying to Graduate", "Graduation Paperwork", or "Application for Graduation with Your Departmental Adviser".
Graduation Applications must be submitted by the 3rd Friday of the quarter you plan to graduate. However, if you want Graduating Senior Priority for registration, you must apply earlier (see below).
Once a Graduation Application has been submitted with an ECON Adviser, check your email for a message from the Graduation & Academic Records Office (or "ugradoff[at]"). Please read this email carefully for important details, and make sure to "Confirm" your Graduation Application. (See examples here.)
Not sure if you’ve already applied to graduate? Check a brand-new MyPlan Degree Audit and see if there is a "Graduation Date" listed for you (e.g. AUT 202X, WIN 202X, SPR 202X, etc.) near the top of your Degree Audit. If the "Graduation Date" says "Not Found", then you have not yet submitted a Graduation Application. If you have a graduation date noted there, then you have successfully submitted your Graduation Application.

Students who change their ECON major (BA to BS, or BS to BA, for example), after completing the Graduation Application, will have to contact an adviser to complete a new Graduation Application for your new ECON major.
How do I request a Graduation Application?
For students who have decided that you wish to submit a Graduation Application, send an email to with the following information:
- Full/legal name
- UW Student Number
- Projected/planned quarter of graduation (e.g. "202X Spring Quarter")
- Other Major(s) & Minor(s) that you are pursuing
An adviser will review your eligibility to graduate, and will help to initiate the Graduation Application process.
Graduation Applications may be submitted up to one academic year in advance.
Graduating Senior Priority (GSP) Registration
Graduating Senior Priority (GSP) allows students to register for classes on the first day of Period I. Students are eligible for a maximum of two quarters of GSP. By submitting your Graduation Application early (2.5 quarters in advance recommended), you can receive up to two quarters of GSP. For instance, if you are planning to graduate in June, you should contact an adviser to request a Graduation Application in early Autumn Quarter so that you can have GSP to register for the following Winter and Spring Quarters.
After a student confirms their Graduation Application, the Graduation & Academic Records Office will conduct an initial review, and upon successful submission, the student will receive GSP designation. This process can take about 1-2 days or so.
To ensure your eligibility for Graduating Senior Priority, Graduation Applications must be submitted by the appropriate deadline.
- For detailed Graduation Application deadlines, see "UW Academic Calendars" < "YYYY-YYYY Academic Calendar" < "Application Deadlines" < "Graduating Senior Priority Applications Due".
- For specific GSP registration dates, see "UW Academic Calendars" < "Registration Deadlines" < "Registration Period 1".
When you have used your GSP for two quarters, and if you are still attending classes, then your registration priority will revert to regular (non-GSP) "Senior" priority. You can “save” your GSP by simply not using it and registering during regular senior registration. In this regard, GSP does not necessarily need to be used in consecutive quarters.
UW Residence Credit Requirement (“Final 60-credit Requirement”)
The UW requires that students must complete 45 of their last 60 credits while “in residence” at the UW. Students should note the types of credits they plan to take in their final 60 credits, and plan adequately. See the UW Residence Credit policy for details.
For additional resource regarding this policy, see here.
UW Commencement and UW ECON Departmental Graduation Ceremonies
You can visit the UW Commencement website for information regarding the Commencement Ceremony that occurs each June. On this site, you will find event information, including guest tickets, eligibility, ordering announcements & photos, purchasing parking permits, etc.
You may complete your degree any quarter of your choice (Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer). Commencement and other graduation celebrations take place each June. Graduates from the previous Summer, Autumn or Winter; or students who have applied to graduate for the current Spring or following Summer; may participate in the Commencement (and other graduations celebrations) in June. Click here for a helpful checklist, and click here for eligibility information.
Department of Economics students and their families and friends are invited to the Economics Department Graduation Celebration each June. This celebration will include a ceremony, keynote speaker, department awards, presentation of the graduates. Click here for details about the Economics Department Graduation Celebration.
Registration for both the UW Commencement and the Economics Department Graduation Celebration will begin in May.
Diplomas and Degree Validation
The first indication of your earned degree will appear on your transcript. Degrees are posted to your transcript by the UW Office of Graduation & Academic Records approximately 2-3 weeks after the end of the quarter, upon verification that you have completed all requirements for the UW, College of Arts & Sciences, and Department of Economics.
How to Check? See "" < "UW Resources" < "Academic Resources" < "Grades & Transcripts" < "Unofficial Transcript".
Need an Official Transcript? See here for details.
It takes 3-4 months for diplomas to arrive in the mail. Diplomas are sent by the Office of the University Registrar. Please be sure to check your MyUW address settings to ensure that your diploma will arrive to the correct address.
Prospective employers, graduate programs, and others who require verification that you’ve earned your degree can access this information through the UW Degree Certification website.
After a student has earned their UW degree, the "Graduation Date" on the Degree Audit will go back to "not found". This is considered normal, as the degree will have already been posted to the student's transcript, making the Degree Audit irrelevant.
Additional information is available on the Office of the University Registrar's website for Graduation, Commencement, & Diplomas.
Omicron Delta Epsilon (International Economics Honor Society) and Baccalaureate Honors
Economics juniors and seniors who have demonstrated high scholarship in the Department of Economics and UW coursework will receive invitations to join Omicron Delta Epsilon (ODE), the international honor society for economics. Eligible students will have earned a minimum of 20 upper-division (3XX- and 4XX-level) economics credits, maintained at least a 3.6 ECON GPA and a 3.5 UW GPA.
Baccalaureate Honors are: Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, and Summa Cum Laude. These honors are awarded upon graduation to undergraduates who are earning their first bachelor’s degree with at least 90 credits taken at UW. Of these 90 credits, 60 must be numerically graded (extension credits do not count toward these 60 credits). These honors awards are not directly related to the Departmental or College Honors Programs. They also represent the top 10% of students in each of the UW's schools and colleges.
Students graduating with Baccalaureate Honors may wear a gold honor cord for the UW Commencement Ceremony and other celebrations. For students graduating in the spring, the honors listed in the Commencement Program, are based on the student’s cumulative GPA through the preceding Winter Quarter. Spring Quarter grades are ultimately included in the credit totals and GPA calculations, determining wither the honors are posted to the student’s final record. You can find more information about baccalaureate honors, the Dean’s list, and other honors societies on the UW Baccalaureate Honors site.
Planning for Jobs, Internships, Careers & Graduate School
Take advantage of the Career & Internship Center, which offers help in job-hunting skills, career planning, and more!
Handshake is the UW's primary resource for job searches, recruiting, and on-campus workshops & opportunities to network with employers. Current students and alumni are welcome to utilize Handshake. For more information, see the Handshake website and log-in with your UW Net ID.
Consider seeing a Career Coach, who can be a helpful guide in career exploration, strategies on job & internship searching, and interview advising.
Thinking about graduate school? The UW Graduate School offers a great course that can help students explore the graduate school application process, develop an understanding of the purpose of graduate education, and access helpful resources. Preparing for Graduate Education (GRDSCH 200) is offered nearly every quarter.
You may also want to start thinking about obtaining Letters of Recommendation and any future references that you may need down the road for jobs & graduate schools. Here are some helpful suggestions on how to start:
- How to Ask for a Letter of Recommendation
- Letters of Recommendation: Tips & Advice from the Office of Merit Scholarships, Fellowships, & Awards
Be an Active Alum!
The Economics outreach page indicates ways for Department of Economics alumni and friends to stay involved through a variety of networking, stewardship, and mentoring opportunities.
The UW Alumni Association is a network of over 50,000 alumni Huskies, with chapters and regional groups all over the country and the world! The UWAA offers a complimentary one-year membership to its most-recent alumni, numerous opportunities to network with fellow Huskies, and alumni services such as library access and a UW alumni email account.
Join the UW Alumni Group on LinkedIn!
Alumni Email & Cloud services update: What happens to my "" email?
Graduation Checklist for International Students
International Students are highly-encouraged to refer to the ISS Final Year Checklist, or check in with their advisers at International Student Services, as they can provide helpful information, especially regarding any requirements and suggestions as you approach your final quarter at the UW.
For information and advice on how to invite family and friends to visit the U.S., see here.
Graduating Senior Survey
During your final quarter, you will receive a request from Economics Advising to complete a Graduating Senior Survey via UW Catalyst. The survey is completely anonymous, and its results will help the Department of Economics assess its services. Your participation is highly encouraged and greatly appreciated.