Live outside the Puget Sound area?
The department maintains a list of alumni living outside western Washington who serve as regional representatives for UW Economics. Alumni in this role support fellow alumni and current Economics students by acting as professional and social contacts for their city or region.
Regional representatives support the department in any number of ways, including:
- Meeting with a new graduate who is moving to your city to share insider tips and provide a local welcome;
- Coordinating happy hour get-togethers or Husky sports viewing parties for other alumni in the area;
- Providing information about the area and its industry to our students on the job market considering a move; and
- Meeting with faculty or graduate students in town for conferences and presentations.
The department needs you!
Additional regional alumni representatives are sought, particularly in the following areas: Boston, London, Los Angeles, Portland, Philadelphia, Austin and Phoenix (but we'd love to hear from you no matter where you are).
Regional representatives are vital to the department's connection with our alumni, who in turn are essential to the current and future success of the department. Regional reps help build the visibility of the department across the country.
We just need one person to get a network started in your city - or join with another alumnus where you live and help strengthen our connection there!
- The Economics Undergraduate Mentorship Program also has opportunities for regional alumni to get involved, for alumni who can work with students in an online-only format.
Want to get involved?
Contact a regional representative in your area - or volunteer to be one! Contact Nicole Johns, Economics Outreach Coordinator, by email or at 206-543-5945.