The Department of Economics is pleased to welcome Austin Gross to the Center for Social Science Computation and Research (CSSCR, or "Caesar") as the new statistics consultant representing Economics. Austin is a fourth-year graduate student focusing on natural resource economics. Originally from the Los Angeles area, Austin is married and has a son and a daughter.
CSSCR is a discipline-specific college computer support organization created in 1972 as an alternative to the existing campus computing resources. The Center provides facilities and support for the social sciences departments at UW, including economics, sociology, history, philosophy, international studies, political science, and communication, and is open to all affiliated students, faculty, and staff of these departments.
The Center offers on the ground courses, online courses, and podcasts primarily focused on manipulation of statistical and analytical software frequently used in the social sciences. They also maintain an electronic data archive, offer help in acquiring data from other sources, and are a distribution site for U.S. Census materials in electronic form.
As a Center geared toward graduate student success, they also offer courses, handouts, and one-on-one consultation on preparing and publishing dissertations and theses.
Austin will join other social sciences consultants at CSSCR the first week in January.