Professor Pat Bajari Elected Econometric Society Fellow

Submitted by Nicole Johns on
Professor Pat Bajari

The Department of Economics extends its congratulations to Professor Patrick (Pat) Bajari on his election this month to the Society of Fellows of the Econometric Society. One of only 13 Fellows elected this year to lifetime appointments, Professor Bajari joins an elite group of economic researchers from around the world, including UW Economics Professor Stephen Turnovsky and Professor Emeritus Charles Nelson.

An applied econometrician and specialist in empirical industrial organization, Professor Bajari joined UW Economics in 2012 from the University of Minnesota, where he was Professor of Economics and where he earned his PhD in Economics in 1997, studying under John Geweke and Andrew McLennan. Prior to his appointment at Minnesota, Bajari was faculty at the University of Michigan, Duke University, Stanford University, and Harvard University.

In addition to his academic appointment at UW, Bajari is Chief Economist and Vice President at Amazon, where he and his team use applied econometric analysis to develop automated systems for pricing, forecasting, ordering, and marketing expenditures. He is a Research Fellow in industrial organization at the National Bureau of Economic Research, is a Visitor at the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, and is Associate Editor of the journal Quantitative Marketing and Economics, in addition to serving as thesis adviser for several graduate students. 

Bajari’s recent contributions to the field include his papers Moral Hazard, Adverse Selection and Health Expenditures: A Semiparametric Analysis (with Han Hong, Ahmed Khwaja, and Christina Marsh), RAND Journal of Economics (2014), and Bidding for Incomplete Contracts: An Empirical Analysis (with Stephanie Houghton and Steve Tadelis), American Economic Review (April 2014).

Founded in 1930, the Econometric Society is widely considered the most significant society in economic science. Its aim is to promote the integration of theoretical and empirical quantitative approaches to economic problems, and it operates as a ‘disinterested, scientific organization without political, social, financial, or nationalistic bias’. The Society publishes the peer-reviewed journals Econometrica, Quantitative Economics, and Theoretical Economics, organizes scientific meetings all over the world, and has more than 700 active Fellows.

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