A Call to Give Back: Strengthening UW Economics Through Your Time and Efforts, A Letter from Our Visiting Committee Chair

Submitted by Andrea Chiodo on

As we enjoy the summer months and reflect on the past year, I am reminded of the profound impact that the University of Washington's Department of Economics has had on my life and career. It's been more than three decades since I walked across the graduation stage, and my journey from a student with a BA in Economics to a seasoned professional has been deeply intertwined with the department. For many of us, our time at UW was transformative—shaping our perspectives, our careers, and our personal and professional connections. I am writing today with an appeal to you to support the Department of Economics, to help foster a thriving community that benefits current students and future generations alike.

Volunteerism is not just about giving—it’s also about growing. As Winston Churchill once said, “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” The act of giving back, whether through your time, expertise, or resources, enriches not only the recipient but also the giver. It strengthens our connection to the community and brings a sense of fulfillment that goes beyond the material.

My own commitment to giving back began shortly after graduation. At the start, my giving was mostly financial, and quite modest at that. But I was fortunate to work for a company that matched my giving to the department, a practice I’ve maintained over the years. For me this isn’t just about writing a check—it’s about investing in something that has given me so much. Over the years, I’ve also taken the opportunity to engage with students through participation on career panels, brown bag discussions, and being a longtime mentor. One of the most meaningful ways I’ve connected with the department has been through my role on the Department’s Visiting Committee. This group, comprised largely of passionate UW econ alums, works closely with the department to support its mission and ensure that the education and experiences offered to students continue to evolve and improve. Serving on this committee has deepened my appreciation for the work being done by the faculty and staff, and it has been a constant reminder of the importance and benefits of staying connected and involved.

Your support, whether it be financial or through your time, plays a crucial role in the department’s ability to provide resources that enhance the academic experience for its students. Contributions help fund need and merit-based scholarships, support faculty recruitment and retention, and provide essential resources for research and conference travel. For instance, during the pandemic, donations to the Friends of Economics Fund were instrumental in helping the department adapt to remote learning by enabling the purchase of necessary technology and equipment.

There are also many ways to get involved through your time with students and the broader community surrounding the department. The UW Women in Economics (WiE) is an inspiring group aimed at creating a supportive community for women studying or working in economics-related fields. Each year, WiE hosts events, offers mentorship, and fosters a network that helps women in economics thrive during their time at UW and beyond. The Economics Undergraduate Board (EUB), an entirely student led group, also hosts events where alumni can share their experiences and advice with students.

For those alumni who have moved away from Seattle, your support and involvement remain just as vital. Thanks to technology, you can still make a significant impact from wherever you are. The Undergraduate Mentorship Program, for example, offers the option to mentor students via Zoom, providing guidance and support regardless of your location and time zone. Many students appreciate the flexibility and convenience of virtual mentoring, making it an ideal way for you to stay connected and support the future of students, no matter where life has taken you.

The department has benefited for many years from the efforts of its many volunteers. Established in 2014, the Kathy Gehrt Memorial Economics Volunteer Service Award recognizes the efforts of department volunteers who have made significant contributions to the department through their long-term commitment and involvement.  

With the UW fall quarter starting up at the end of September, I encourage you to take a moment to think about the role the Department of Economics has played in your life, and how you might like to support it going forward. Whether you’re a recent graduate just beginning your journey of giving back, or a long-time supporter, your contributions—both financial and of your time—are invaluable.

Thank you for being part of this vibrant community. Your support ensures that the Department of Economics continues to thrive, shaping the minds and futures of students for years to come.

Warm regards,
Cary Oshima

Chair, Economics Visiting Committee
UW Economics Class of 1990
