2021-22 Job Market Candidates 

Submitted by Nicole Johns on
Bronze W

2021-2022 Job Market Candidates

Our 2021-22 job market candidates are available for interviews for employment beginning in Autumn 2022. This page will be updated frequently. For more information, contact:

You may also be interested in our recent graduate placements. The Department of Economics assists its PhD graduates by posting job opportunities from colleges, universities, government agencies, private industry, and other organizations. In addition, a faculty member is appointed each year to coordinate placement activities, and a staff member is available to handle other administrative matters related to placement.

Each autumn quarter the Department facilitates the submission of letters of recommendation for applications. Students also participate in mock interviews and present seminars to polish their speaking skills. The Department encourages its graduates to attend the national AEA conference (virtually, this year) to develop a network of potential employers.
