8th Annual West Coast Workshop in International Finance

November 9, 2019  //  University of Washington, Seattle

The 8th annual West Coast Workshop in International Finance will be held at:
The University of Washington, Seattle, on Saturday, November, 9th.
Savery 264


If you would like to attend the WCWIF 2019, please register before noon, November 4th by emailing wcwif2019@gmail.com with your name, title, and organization.


8:30-9:00 AM Coffee and Rolls 

Session 1: Chair: Matt Lorig (UW Applied Math and Comp. Finance & Risk Management)
9:00-9:45 AM
 The Effect of the China Connect,” Chang Ma (Fudan University), John Rogers (Federal Reserve Board), Sili Zhou (Fudan University) 
Discussant: Anusha Chari (UNC Chapel Hill)

9:45-10:30 AM Search for Yield in Large International Corporate Bonds: Investor Behavior and Firm Responses,” Charles W. Calomiris (Columbia Business School), Sergio L. Schmukler (The World Bank), Mauricio Larrain (Catholic University of Chile School of Management), Tomas Williams (George Washington University) 
Discussant: Isha Agarwal (UBC Sauder)

10:30-10:45 AM Break 

Session 2: Exchange Rates; Chair: Domenico Giannone (NY Fed/Amazon)
10:45-11:30 AM
 Is Exchange Rate Disconnected After All?” Yu-chin Chen (University of Washington), Ippei Fujiwara (Keio University), Yasuo Hirose (Keio University) 
Discussant: Fabio Milani (UC Irvine) 

11:30 AM - 12:15 PM Currency Manipulation in a Model of Money, Banking, and Trade,” Caroline Betts (University of Southern California) 
Discussant: Galina Hale (UC Santa Cruz/FRBSF)

12:15-1:30 PM Lunch 

Session 3:  Chair: Stephan Siegel (UW Foster)
1:30-2:15 PM
 China's Impact on Global Financial Markets,” Isha Agarwal (UBC Sauder), Grace Weishi Gu (UC Santa Cruz), Eswar Prasad (Cornell University) 
Discussant: Philip Brock (U of Washington)

2:15-3:00 PM Can Cross-Border Funding Frictions Explain Financial Integration Reversals? Amir Akbari (Ontario Tech. University), Francesca Carrieri (McGill University), Aytek Malkhozov (Federal Reserve Board) 
Discussant: Kadee Russ (UC Davis)

3:00-3:15 PM Break 

Session 4: Chair: Stephen Turnovsky (University of Washington)
3:15-4:00 PM
 Financial Cycles and Domestic Policy Choices: A Dynamic Assessment,” Florian Loipersbergery (University of Munich), Johannes Matschke (UC Davis) 
Discussant:Hiro Ito (Portland State)

4:00-4:45 PM Domestic Antidotes to Sudden Stops,” Eduardo Cavallo (Inter-American Development Bank), Alejandro Izquierdo (Inter-American Development Bank), John J. Le´on-D´ıaz (Inter-American Development Bank) 
Discussant: Kenneth Kletzer (UC Santa Cruz)

4:45-5:30 PM Inflation and Exchange Rate Targeting: Challenges Under Fiscal Dominance,” Rashad Ahmed (University of Southern California), Yothin Jinjarak (Victoria University of Wellington), Joshua Aizenman (University of Southern California) 
Discussant: Kenneth Kasa (Simon Fraser U)

5:30-8:00 PM Reception and Dinner

The WCWIF 2019 organizing committee includes:

Joshua Aizenman, University of Southern California
Paul Bergin, UC Davis
Viktoria Hnatkovska, University of British Columbia
Kenneth Kasa, Simon Fraser University
Kenneth Kletzer, UC Santa Cruz
Helen Popper, Santa Clara University
Mark Spiegel, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Yu-chin Chen, University of Washington (co-host)
Stephen Turnovsky, University of Washington (co-host)

The workshop is sponsored by the Department of Economics at the University of Washington and by the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.

Previous International Finance Workshop

WCWIF 2018
WCWIF 2017
WCWIF 2016
