Minimum qualifications/requirements
- Meeting the Graduate School’s English proficiency requirements for TAs
- Enrollment in or completion of Econ 602
- Average prior student evaluations scores of 3.0 or higher (for reappointment)
- Satisfactory academic progress
Academic Student Employees (ASE) who lead quiz sections of large lecture undergraduate courses and certain core graduate courses work under the supervision of a faculty instructor who is responsible for the course. The payroll title for such employees varies from Teaching Assistant, Predoctoral Teaching Associate 1 and Predoctoral Teaching Associate 2. The title/pay level is determined based upon the course assignment and the ASE’s current academic status. (Read more information on titles and payrates).
General responsibilities
- Attend lectures as required by supervisor
- Conduct/facilitate quiz sections as scheduled for the course
- Act as liaison/mediator between students and professor
- Hold regular office hours; submit office hours to the Main Office
- Prepare, maintain, and update webpage, electronic discussion boards, etc., as appropriate to the course
- Manage and respond to course-related email
- If you must cancel a section contact the Advising Office to post a notice in your classroom and notify your supervisor
- Respond to and return student work in a timely manner
- Monitor and resolve administrative, grading, or other issues related to course
- Consult with faculty supervisor, undergraduate advisers, and/or graduate program adviser regarding course issues, as appropriate
Preparation responsibilities
- Prepare lectures for sessions, overheads, handouts, or other materials for quiz sections
- Attend instructor/TA meetings as appropriate
- Place course materials on library reserve
Exams and grading
- Prepare and/or proctor exams, essays, or other assignments as appropriate
- Grade assignments and exams
- Hold review sessions as appropriate; obtain classrooms for such sessions
- Calculate quarter grades, maintain all grade records, and submit grades by the quarterly due date
- Administer course evaluations for each quiz section
This position is subject to policies stated in the UW/UAW contract for Academic Student Employees (ASEs). The most recent information may be found at: UAW Academic Student Employees (ASEs) contract | Labor Relations (
Policies on workload, vacation and paid leave are included in this contract. Vacation and paid leave must be approved by the supervisor. Documentation of leave approvals must be maintained per Department of Economics and UW Human Resources policy.