Minimum qualifications/requirements
- Ph.C. level (satisfactory completion of general examination is typically required)
- Prior experience teaching course independently at the UW
- Average prior student evaluations scores of 3.5 or higher
- Satisfactory academic progress
- Course to be taught must be in of Ph.C.’s area of research specialization and a willing faculty mentor/supervisor must be identified who has previously taught the course
- Course schedule and topic must coincide with departmental needs
Pre-doctoral Lecturers are responsible for all aspects of planning and teaching a course. Courses at the 400 level require in-depth knowledge and instruction of advanced undergraduates and (possibly) graduate students new to the field. Typical responsibilities include the following:
General responsibilities
- Schedule and attend all course meetings and final exam
- Present lectures and facilitate discussion
- Hold regular office hours; submit office hours to the Main Office
- Prepare, maintain, and update webpage, electronic discussion boards, etc., as appropriate to the course
- Manage and respond to course-related email
- If you must cancel a class contact the Advising Office to post a notice in your classroom and notify your supervisor
- Respond to and return student work in a timely manner
- Consult with faculty supervisor, undergraduate advisers, and/or graduate program adviser regarding course issues, as appropriate
Preparation responsibilities
- Prepare course plan and lectures
- Prepare syllabus, overheads, handouts, or review materials as appropriate
- Place course materials on library reserve
- Request necessary equipment (e.g., audio-visual equipment)
- Review and order textbooks for use in the course
Exams and grading
- Prepare exams, essays, or other assignments
- Evaluate students based on performance in the course
- Administer and grade assignments and exams (may include hiring and supervision of reader/grader)
- Hold review sessions as appropriate; obtain classrooms for such sessions
- Turn in a copy of the final exam questions to Graduate Program Counselor, 2 days prior to final
- Calculate quarter grades, maintain all grade records, and submit grades by the quarterly due date
- Administer course evaluations
This position is subject to policies stated in the UW/UAW contract for Academic Student Employees (ASEs). The most recent information may be found at: UAW Academic Student Employees (ASEs) contract | Labor Relations (
Policies on workload, vacation and paid leave are included in this contract. Vacation and paid leave must be approved by the supervisor. Documentation of leave approvals must be maintained per Department of Economics and UW Human Resources policy. The ASE Leave Record and documented leave approvals (emails or signed notes) will be retained by the Departmental Payroll Coordinator. This Leave Record must be reviewed and signed by the ASE and the Supervisor.