The Department of Economics is proud to announce our 2023 Distinguished Alumnus, Wing Suen (‘88)! Wing will return to University of Washington to give the keynote speech at the Department of Economics graduation ceremony on June 6, 2023.
Wing earned his bachelor's degree in economics from the University of Hong Kong (HKU) in 1985, and his Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Washington in 1988. He returned to the University of Hong Kong in 1989 and is currently the Chair of the economics department and Henry G. Leong Professor of Economics within the HKU Business School. His research focuses on applied microeconomic theory, including two-sided matching markets, transmission of information across individuals with divergent beliefs and motives, and the structure of social networks. In addition to numerous publications, Wing is the associate editor of the Pacific Economic Review. He is a fellow of the Econometric Society, Asian Economic Association, and the president of the Hong Kong Economic Association.
When asked about his experience at UW, he noted the profound impact of the late Professor Emeritus Yoram Barzel, Professor Emeritus Eugene Silberberg, and the beauty of our campus. “Yoram taught me how to look at the world from an economic angle, and Gene gave me the tools to unlock puzzling questions. My campus memories of sitting under the cherry trees in the quad are still with me today.”
Every year, the UW Department of Economics celebrates the success of our graduates by selecting a Distinguished Alumni award winner. Established in 1985, this award aims to recognize alumni whose professional achievements have brought personal distinction, enhanced the profession, improved the welfare of the general public, and/or brought honor to their alma mater. You can learn more about this award and past recipients on our website. You can learn more about this award and past recipients on our website.