May 2019

On May 2nd, The Department of Economics had the pleasure of hosting Professor Matthew Gentzkow from Stanford University for the biennial Milliman Endowed Lecture. Gentzkow’s talk, entitled, “This is your brain off Facebook: New evidence on the welfare effects of social media,” drew in a crowd of over 120 alumni, community members, and students. The audience listened attentively as Gentzkow discussed and summarized the findings of his most recent work, a comprehensive study illuminating the… Read more
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Each year, 100 students are chosen to be part of the Husky 100, which spans all three campuses, includes both undergraduate and graduate students, and covers all areas of study. Students are chosen for this honor for making the most of their time at the UW. The Department of Economics is thrilled to announce that four of our outstanding undergraduate students have been selected as part of the Husky 100. Each student has written a little something about themselves… Read more
The Department of Economics is delighted to announce that economics major Alexander Peterson has been named a recipient of the 2017-2018 President’s Medalist Award. Alexander will be awarded the Sophomore Medal at a private reception with University President Ana Mari Cauce. The awardees are selected by a committee that evaluates the students’ GPA, rigor of classes, and number of honors classes taken in all previous quarters. Students do not apply for this award; it is meant to celebrate the… Read more
On April 24th, 2019, the Visiting Committee (VC) held their last meeting of the 2018-2019 academic year. Members of the VC, students from the Economics Undergraduate Board (EUB), and faculty members attended the meeting. Assistant Professor Yuya Takahashi, our most recent hire, gave the keynote address, presenting his research on applying game theory to declining industries. The VC also welcomed its newest members, Jim McIntire, who serves on the Board of Directors for Sustainability Accounting… Read more
On January 25th, the Economics Undergraduate Board (EUB) put on an economics career fair. The fair invited companies to campus to advertise internships and jobs to our economics students. The fair featured over a dozen companies, including Amazon, Charles Schwab, Point B, and KPMG. Over 200 students visited the fair, exceeding the EUB’s expectations. “Our decision to put on a career fair is a direct result from our survey that we release to Economic Students at the end of the winter quarter… Read more
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North American ​Summer Meeting of the Econometric Society JUNE 27-30, 2019 // Seattle, Washington Organized by Chang-Jin Kim, Stephen Turnovsky and Quan Wen, University of Washington The 2019 North American Summer Meeting of the Econometric Society (NASMES 2019) will take place in Seattle, Washington, June 27 to 30, 2019.  The meeting is hosted by the Department of Economics at the University of Washington, and the program is co-chaired and organized by University of Washington… Read more
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As part of their 25th anniversary commemorative program, the Baker Institute at Rice University, sponsored a conference entitled “Prospects for Economic Growth in the United States”, held on December 6-7. The motivation for the event, as they announced it, was that “although economic growth has long been the engine of prosperity in the United States, recent economic, demographic and political trends have created strong headwinds that may limit future US economic growth”. To address that issue… Read more
James Parker Sroufe (Parker) was born on March 23rd, 1941 in Pasco Washington. He graduated from the University of Washington with a BA in economics in 1963, and was a member of the Theta Chi fraternity. Parker was one of the founding members of the department’s Visiting Committee (VC) in 1987, and served as the first chair of the committee. With his help, the VC has come to be seen as the crown jewel of alumni groups throughout the college. Parker was honored at the 2017 VC Summer Social for… Read more