Fields of Interest
References: Yanqin Fan (chair), Jing Tao, Rachel Heath, Melissa Knox
I am a GSEE Fellow and I specialize in applied econometrics. My research centers on modeling unobserved heterogeneity using panel data in applied microeconomics fields such as health and labor. Currently I am working on the type fixed effects model composed of heterogeneous coefficients and time-varying effects and an accompanying GMM framework. I apply this model to cigarette demand to study the consequences of dual consumption capitals and heterogeneous preferences in the Rational Addiction model. I'm also collaborating on an extension of Lorenz curves and Gini index using optimal transport theory to analyze multidimensional inequality and risk.
I earned a M.S. in mathematics from Florida International University with a focus in basis and frame theory. My thesis was titled "A Solution for the Greedy Approximation of a Step Function Using a Waveform Dictionary" with applications in time series.