
Please see Articles for the most up-to-date list of recent articles.

Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Migrants, Information, and Working Conditions in Bangladeshi Garment Factories  Publications, Articles
S. Lim, M. Morshed, and S.J. Turnovsky (2023). Endogenous labor migration and remittances: Macroeconomic and welfare consequences, Journal of Development Economics 163, 103110. Publications, Articles
The Effects of International Scrutiny on Manufacturing Workers: Evidence from the Rana Plaza collapse in Bangladesh Publications, Articles
Y. Gokan and S.J. Turnovsky, Government spoending, debt management, and wealth and income inequality in a growing monetary economy, Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking (forthcoming). Publications, Articles
Yingyao Hu, Yuya Sasaki, Yi Xin, "Dynamic Discrete Choice Models with Incomplete Data: Sharp Identification", Journal of Econometrics, 2023. Publications, Articles
F. Carneiro, S.J. Turnovsky, and O. Tourinho (2022) Economic growth and inequality tradeoffs under progressive taxation, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 143, Article 104513 Publications, Articles
Griffith, Alan. 2022. "Name Your Friends but Only Five? The Importance of Censoring in Peer Effects Estimates using Social Network Data.” Journal of Labor Economics 40(4): 779-805. Publications, Articles
Griffith, Alan, and Thomas Noonen. 2022. “The Effects of Public Campaign Funding: Evidence from Seattle’s Democracy Voucher Program.” Journal of Public Economics 211:104666. Publications, Articles
Griffith, Alan. 2022. "A Continuous Model of Strong and Weak Ties." 2022. Journal of Public Economic Theory 24(6): 1519-1563. Publications, Articles
Griffith, Alan. 2022. "Random Assignment with Non-Random Peers: A Structural Approach to Counterfactual Treatment Assessment." Review of Economics and Statistics, Forthcoming. Publications, Articles
Jorge Andres Rivero, Pierluigi Vellucci, A solution for the greedy approximation of a step function with a waveform dictionary, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2022, 106890, ISSN 1007-5704, [] Publications, Articles
Fan, Y., X. Shi, and J. Tao (2022), "Partial Identification and Inference in Moment Models with Incomplete Data,” Forthcoming at Journal of Econometrics. Publications, Articles
Alex Henke, Fahad Khalil, Jacques Lawarree, "Honest Agents in a Corrupt Equilibrium," 2022 forthcoming in the Journal of Economics and Management Strategy. Publications, Articles
M. Atolia, C. Papageorgiou, and S.J. Turnovsky, (2021). Re-opening After-the Lockdown: Long-run aggregate and distributional consequences of COVID-19, Journal of Mathematical Economics 93, 102481. Publications, Articles
Li, Wei and Xu Tan. 2021. "Cognitively-Constrained Learning from Neighbors." Games and Economic Behavior, 129:32-54. Publications, Articles
Fan, Y. and M. Henry (2021), “Vector Copulas,” Forthcoming at Journal of Econometrics. Publications, Articles
Marco Mariotti and Quan Wen (2021), "A Non-Cooperative Foundation of the Competitive Divisions for Bads,” Journal of Economic Theory. Publications, Articles
Indranil Chakraborty, Fahad Khalil, and Jacques Lawarree, "Competitive Procurement with Ex Post MoralHazard," 2021, The RAND Journal of Economics Publications, Articles
E. Dioikitopoulos, S.J. Turnovsky, and R. Wendner (2020) Dynamic Status Effects, Savings, and Income Inequality, International Economic Review 61, 351-382. Publications, Articles
Tan, Xu and Quan Wen. 2020. ``Information Acquisition and Voting with Heterogeneous Experts.'' RAND Journal of Economics, 51(4) :1063-1092. Publications, Articles
Fan, Y., F. Han, W. Li, and X-H. Zhou (2020), "On Rank Estimators in Increasing Dimensions,” Journal of Econometrics 214, 379-412. Articles
Xu Tan and Quan Wen (2020), “Information Acquisition and Voting with Heterogeneous Experts,” Rand Journal of Economics.  Publications, Articles
Miguel Aramendia and Quan Wen (2020), "Myopic Perception in Repeated Games," Games and Economic Behavior. Publications, Articles
Li, Wei and Xu Tan. 2020. “Locally Bayesian Learning in Networks.” Theoretical Economics, 15: 238-278. Publications, Articles
Heath, Rachel and Xu Tan. 2020. “Intrahousehold Bargaining, Female Autonomy, and Labor Supply: Theory and Evidence from India.” Journal of the European Economic Association, 18(4):1928-1968 Publications, Articles