Griffith, Alan. 2023. "When a Dollar is More than a Dollar: Evidence from two multiple matching campaign finance reforms." Working Paper. |
Publications, Working Papers |
Economics, Political Economy |
Greaney, Brian, and Conor Walsh. "Demand, growth, and deleveraging." Review of Economic Dynamics (2023). |
Publications |
Economics |
F. Carneiro, S.J. Turnovsky, and O. Tourinho (2022) Economic growth and inequality tradeoffs under progressive taxation, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 143, Article 104513 |
Publications, Articles |
Economics, Macroeconomics |
Griffith, Alan, and Thomas Noonen. 2022. “The Effects of Public Campaign Funding: Evidence from Seattle’s Democracy Voucher Program.” Journal of Public Economics 211:104666. |
Publications, Articles |
Economics, Political Economy |
Griffith, Alan. 2022. "A Continuous Model of Strong and Weak Ties." 2022. Journal of Public Economic Theory 24(6): 1519-1563. |
Publications, Articles |
Economics, Microeconomic Theory |
Griffith, Alan. 2022. "Random Assignment with Non-Random Peers: A Structural Approach to Counterfactual Treatment Assessment." Review of Economics and Statistics, Forthcoming. |
Publications, Articles |
Economics |
M. Atolia, C. Papageorgiou, and S.J. Turnovsky, (2021). Re-opening After-the Lockdown: Long-run aggregate and distributional consequences of COVID-19, Journal of Mathematical Economics 93, 102481. |
Publications, Articles |
Economics, Health, Macroeconomics |
Li, Wei and Xu Tan. 2021. "Cognitively-Constrained Learning from Neighbors." Games and Economic Behavior, 129:32-54. |
Publications, Articles |
Economics, Microeconomic Theory, Microeconomics, Social Networks |
Marco Mariotti and Quan Wen (2021), "A Non-Cooperative Foundation of the Competitive Divisions for Bads,” Journal of Economic Theory. |
Publications, Articles |
Economics, Game Theory, Microeconomic Theory |
Tan, Xu and Quan Wen. 2020. ``Information Acquisition and Voting with Heterogeneous Experts.'' RAND Journal of Economics, 51(4) :1063-1092. |
Publications, Articles |
Economics, Game Theory, Microeconomic Theory, Microeconomics |
Khalil, Fahad, Jacques Lawarree, and Alexander Rodivilov, "Learning from Failures: Optimal contracts for experimentation and production," 2020, The Journal of Economic Theory. |
Publications, Articles |
Contract Theory, Economics |
E. Dioikitopoulos, S.J. Turnovsky, and R. Wendner (2019) Public policy, dynamic status preferences, and wealth inequality, Journal of Public Economic Theory 21, 923-944. |
Publications, Articles |
Economics, Macroeconomics |
“A Subsidized Vickrey Auction for Cost Sharing,” Jesse Schwartz and Quan Wen, Journal of Mathematical Economics (2018), 77, 32-38. |
Publications |
Economics, Game Theory |
Stefan F. Schubert and Stephen J. Turnovsky, Growth and Unemployment: Short-run and Long-run Tradeoffs, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 91, 172-189, 2018. |
Publications, Articles |
Development Economics, Economics, Macroeconomics |
M. Koyuncu and S.J. Turnovsky (2016) The Dynamics of Growth and Income Inequality under Progressive Taxation, Journal of Public Economic Theory 18, 560-588. |
Publications, Articles |
Economics, Financial Economics, Macroeconomics |
Eicher, Theo S., John H. Mutti, and Michelle H. Turnovsky. International Economics. London: Routledge, 2009. Print. |
Publications, Books |
Economics |
Eicher, Theo S., and Thomas Strobel. Information Technology and Productivity Growth: German Trends and OECD Comparisons. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2009. Print. |
Publications, Books |
Economics |
Eicher, Theo S., and Cecilia García-Peñalosa. Institutions, Development, and Economic Growth. Cambridge, MA: MIT, 2006. Print. |
Publications, Books |
Economics |
Kim, Chang-Jin, and Chris Murray. "Permanent and Transitory Nature of Recessions." Discussion Papers in Economics at the University of Washington (1999-05): n. pag. Print. |
Publications, Working Papers |
Economics |
Kim, Chang-Jin, James C. Morley, and Charles R. Nelson. "The Structural Break in the Equity Premium." Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 23.2 (2005): 181-91. Print. |
Publications, Articles |
Economics |
Dewatripont, M., Lars Peter. Hansen, and Stephen J. Turnovsky. Advances in Economics and Econometrics: Theory and Applications: Eighth World Congress. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge UP, 2003. Print. |
Publications, Books |
Economics, Econometrics, Econometric Theory |
Eicher, Theo S., and Stephen J. Turnovsky. Inequality and Growth: Theory and Policy Implications. Cambridge, MA: MIT, 2003. Print. |
Publications, Books |
Economics |
Kim, Chang-Jin, and Jeremy Piger. "Common Stochastic Trends, Common Cycles, and Asymmetry in Economic Fluctuations." Journal of Monetary Economics 49.6 (2002): 1189-211. Print. |
Publications, Articles |
Economics |
Kim, Chang-Jin, and Charles R. Nelson. "A Bayesian Approach To Testing for Markov-Switching in Univariate and Dynamic Factor Models." International Economic Review 42.4 (2001): 989-1013. Print. |
Publications, Articles |
Economics |
M. Atolia, C. Papageorgiou, and S.J. Turnovsky, (2021) Taxation and Public Health Investment: Policy Choices and Tradeoffs, Macroeconomic Dynamics 25, 426-461. |
Publications, Articles |
Economics, Health, Macroeconomics |