Leverage Corrections to Price Discovery Measures with an Application to Leveraged Exchange-Traded Funds

Shen, S., Zhang, Z., and Zivot, E. (2024) "Leverage Corrections to Price Discovery Measures with an Application to Leveraged Exchange-Traded Funds," Working Paper, Department of Economics, University of Washington. 

This study introduces novel leverage-robust measures to examine the price discovery
relationship among tradable products with leveraged returns. Structural analysis reveals
that most existing price discovery measures exhibit significant leverage bias, a tendency to
misidentify products with higher leverage ratios as the price leader. The proposed measures
correct this bias by incorporating long-run responses to the permanent shock. A simulation
study demonstrates the superiority of these new measures. Further empirical study examines
price leadership among leveraged and regular ETFs tracking the S&P 500 index and shows
that the regular ETF dominates the price discovery process.

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