Griffith, Alan. 2022. "A Continuous Model of Strong and Weak Ties." 2022. Journal of Public Economic Theory 24(6): 1519-1563. |
Publications, Articles |
Economics, Microeconomic Theory |
Fan, Y., Henry, M., Pass, B., & Rivero, J. A. (2022). Lorenz map, inequality ordering and curves based on multidimensional rearrangements. arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.09000. |
Publications, Working Papers |
Applied Econometrics, Microeconomic Theory, Political Economy, Statistics |
Alex Henke, Fahad Khalil, Jacques Lawarree, "Honest Agents in a Corrupt Equilibrium," 2022 forthcoming in the Journal of Economics and Management Strategy. |
Publications, Articles |
Contract Theory, Game Theory, Microeconomic Theory |
Li, Wei and Xu Tan. 2021. "Cognitively-Constrained Learning from Neighbors." Games and Economic Behavior, 129:32-54. |
Publications, Articles |
Economics, Microeconomic Theory, Microeconomics, Social Networks |
Marco Mariotti and Quan Wen (2021), "A Non-Cooperative Foundation of the Competitive Divisions for Bads,” Journal of Economic Theory. |
Publications, Articles |
Economics, Game Theory, Microeconomic Theory |
Indranil Chakraborty, Fahad Khalil, and Jacques Lawarree, "Competitive Procurement with Ex Post MoralHazard," 2021, The RAND Journal of Economics |
Publications, Articles |
Contract Theory, Game Theory, Industrial Organization, Microeconomic Theory |
Tan, Xu and Quan Wen. 2020. ``Information Acquisition and Voting with Heterogeneous Experts.'' RAND Journal of Economics, 51(4) :1063-1092. |
Publications, Articles |
Economics, Game Theory, Microeconomic Theory, Microeconomics |
Xu Tan and Quan Wen (2020), “Information Acquisition and Voting with Heterogeneous Experts,” Rand Journal of Economics. |
Publications, Articles |
Microeconomic Theory |
Li, Wei and Xu Tan. 2020. “Locally Bayesian Learning in Networks.” Theoretical Economics, 15: 238-278. |
Publications, Articles |
Microeconomic Theory, Social Networks |
Fahad Khalil, Doyoung Kim and Jacques Lawarree, “Use it or Lose it”, Journal of Public Economic Theory, 2019 |
Publications, Articles |
Contract Theory, Microeconomic Theory, Political Science |
Tan, Xu. 2016. “Information Revelation in Auctions with Common and Private Values,” Games and Economic Behavior, 97: 147-165. |
Publications, Articles |
Game Theory, Microeconomic Theory |
Fahad Khalil, Jacques P. Lawarrée, and Troy Scott, "Private Monitoring, Collusion, and the Timing of Information," RAND Journal of Economics 46.4 (2015), 671–917. |
Publications, Articles |
Contract Theory, Microeconomic Theory |
Miguel Aramendia and Quan Wen (2014), "Justifiable Punishments in Repeated Games," Games and Economic Behavior 88, 16-28. |
Publications |
Game Theory, Microeconomic Theory |
Jackson, Matthew O. and Xu Tan. 2013. “Deliberation, Disclosure of Information, and Voting,” Journal of Economic Theory, 148: 2-30. |
Publications, Articles |
Game Theory, Microeconomic Theory |
Jackson, Matthew O., Tomas Rodriguez-Barraquer, and Xu Tan. 2012. “Social Capital and Social Quilts: Network Patterns of Favor Exchange,” American Economic Review, 102(5): 1857-1897. |
Publications, Articles |
Game Theory, Microeconomic Theory, Social Networks |
Griffith, Alan. 2023. "Efficiency in the Two-Way Connections Model: A Full Characterization in the General Model." Working Paper. |
Publications, Working Papers |
Microeconomic Theory, Social Networks |
Publications, Working Papers |
Microeconomic Theory |