
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
M. Koyuncu and S.J. Turnovsky (2016) The Dynamics of Growth and Income Inequality under Progressive Taxation, Journal of Public Economic Theory 18, 560-588. Publications, Articles
Jane Cooley Fruehwirth, Salvador Navarro, Yuya Takahashi, How the Timing of Grade Retention Affects Outcomes: Identification and Estimation of Time Varying Treatment Effects, Journal of Labor Economics, 2006.2016 Publications, Articles
Tan, Xu. 2016. “Information Revelation in Auctions with Common and Private Values,” Games and Economic Behavior, 97: 147-165.  Publications, Articles
Bateman, H., Eckert, C., Geweke, J., Louviere, J.J., Satchell, S.E. & Thorp, S.J. 2016, 'Risk presentation and retirement portfolio choice', Review of Finance, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 201-229. Publications, Articles
O.M. Leukhina and S.J. Turnovsky, (2016) "Population Size Effects in the Structural Development of England," American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 8, 195-229 . Publications, Articles
 Sequentially Adaptive Bayesian Learning Algorithms for Inference and Optimization. Garland Durham and John Geweke, 2015. Publications, Articles
Sequentially Adaptive Bayesian Learning for a Nonlinear Model of the Secular and Cyclical Behavior of US Real GDP. John Geweke, 2015. Publications, Articles
John Geweke. Current Trends in Bayesian Methodology with Applications (S.K. Upadhyay, U. Singh, D. K. Dey and A. Loganathan, eds.) CRC Press.  Chapter 14, 289-312, 2015. Publications, Articles
S.J. Turnovsky, " Economic Growth and Inequality: The Role of Public Investment," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 61, 2015, 204-221 (revised version of plenary talk presented to 2015  Conference of the Society for Computational Economics, held in Taipei, June 2015). Publications
C. García-Peñalosa and S.J Turnovsky, “Income Inequality, Mobility, and the Accumulation of Capital,” MacroeconomicDynamics 19, 2015, 1332-1357. Publications
Jacob LaRiviere and Hendrik Wolff. "The Power of the Little Blue Pill: Innovations and Implications of Life Style Drugs in an Aging Population,"  Economic Inquiry, 53,(2015), 540-556. Publications
Fabio Ghironi, Jaewoo Lee, and Alessandro Rebucci. "The Valuation Channel of External Adjustment." Journal of International Money and Finance (forthcoming) Publications
Matteo Cacciatore, Fabio Ghironi, and Stephen Turnovsky. "Inflation Targeting and Economic Reforms in New Zealand." International Journal of Central Banking 11 (2015), 145-198. Publications
Robert Halvorsen and David F. Layton, Handbook on the Economics of Natural Resources, (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2015) Publications, Books
Fahad Khalil, Jacques P. Lawarrée, and Troy Scott, "Private Monitoring, Collusion, and the Timing of Information," RAND Journal of Economics 46.4 (2015), 671–917. Publications, Articles
Rachel Heath and A. Mushfiq Mobarak, "Manufacturing Growth and the Lives of Bangladeshi Women," Journal of Development Economics 115 (2015), 1-15. Publications
Anderson JL, Anderson CM, Chu J, Meredith J, Asche F, Sylvia G, et al. (2015) The Fishery Performance Indicators: A Management Tool for Triple Bottom Line Outcomes. PLoS ONE 10(5): e0122809. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0122809 Publications
Geweke, J. & Petrella, L. 2014, 'Likelihood-based Inference for Regular Functions with Fractional Polynomial Approximations', Journal of Econometrics, vol. 183, no. 1, pp. 22-30. Publications, Articles
John Geweke and Bart Frischknecht, 2014.  Exact Optimization by Means of Sequentially Adaptive Bayesian Learning Publications, Articles
Adaptive Sequential Posterior Simulators for Massively Parallel Computing Environments. Advances in Econometrics (Ivan Jeliazkov  and Dale J. Poirier, eds.). Bayesian Model Comparison (Advances in Econometrics, Volume 34) Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Chapter 1, 1-44.  Publications, Articles
Peter Fuleky and Eric Zivot, "Indirect Inference Based on the Score," The Econometrics Journal 17 (2014), 383-393. Publications
 Miguel Aramendia and Quan Wen (2014), "Justifiable Punishments in Repeated Games," Games and Economic Behavior 88, 16-28. Publications
Florin O. Bilbiie, Ippei Fujimara, and Fabio Ghironi, "Optimal Monetary Policy with Endogenous Entry and Product Variety," Journal of Monetary Economics 64 (2014), 1-20. Publications
Yanqin Fan and Sang Soo Park, "Nonparametric Inference for Counterfactual Means: Bias-correction, Confidence Sets, and Weak IV," Journal of Econometrics 178 (2014), 45-56. Publications
Heng Chen, Yanqin Fan, and Jisong Wu, "A Flexible Parametric Approach to Estimating Switching Regime Models and Treatment Effect Parameters," Journal of Econometrics 181 (2014), 77-91. Publications