
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Brock, Philip Lawton., and Liliana Rojas-Suárez. Why so High?: Understanding Interest Rate Spreads in Latin America. Washington, DC: Inter-American Development Bank, 2000. Print. Publications, Books
Wong, Kar-yiu. The Asian Crisis: What Has Happened and Why? N.p.: n.p., n.d. The Asian Crisis Home Page - Manuscript with Country Reports. 24 Jan. 2000. Web. Publications, Books
Turnovsky, Stephen J. Methods of Macroeconomic Dynamics. Cambridge, MA: MIT, 2000. Print. Publications, Books
Kim, Chang-Jin, and Charles R. Nelson. State-space Models with Regime Switching: Classical and Gibbs-sampling Approaches with Applications. Cambridge, MA: MIT, 1999. Print. Publications, Books
Fisher, Walter H., and Stephen J. Turnovsky. "Public Investment, Congestion, and Private Capital Accumulation." The Economic Journal 108.447 (1998): 399-413. Print. Articles, Publications
Crémer, Jacques, Fahad Khalil, and Jean-Charles Rochet. "Contracts and Productive Information Gathering." Games and Economic Behavior 25.2 (1998): 174-93. Web. Articles, Publications
Atkinson, Scott E., and Robert Halvorsen. "Parametric Tests for Static and Dynamic Equilibrium." Journal of Econometrics 85.1 (1998): 33-50. Web. Publications, Articles
Khalil, Fahad. "Auditing without Commitment." The RAND Journal of Economics 28.4 (1997): 629. Web. Articles, Publications
Turnovsky, Stephen J. International Macroeconomic Dynamics. Cambridge, MA: MIT, 1997. Print. Publications, Books
Fan, Yanqin, and Qi Li. "Consistent Model Specification Tests: Omitted Variables and Semiparametric Functional Forms." Econometrica 64.4 (1996): 865-90. Web. Articles, Publications
Lutz-Alexander Busch and Quan Wen (1995), "Perfect Equilibria in a Negotiation Model," Econometrica 63 (3), 545-65. Publications, Articles
Khalil, Fahad, and Jacques Lawarrée. "Input versus Output Monitoring: Who Is the Residual Claimant?" Journal of Economic Theory 66.1 (1995): 139-57. Print. Articles, Publications
Quan Wen (1994), "The 'Folk Theorem' for Repeated Games with Complete Information." Econometrica 62 (4), 949-54. Publications, Articles
Kim, Chang-Jin. "Dynamic Linear Models with Markov-switching." Journal of Econometrics 60 (1994): 1-22. Print. Articles, Publications
Kofman, Alfredo, and Jacques Lawarrée. "Collusion in Hierarchical Agency." Econometrica 61.3 (1993): 629-56. Print. Articles, Publications
Crémer, Jacques, and Fahad Khalil. "Gathering Information before Signing a Contract." American Economic Review 82.3 (1992): 566-78. Print. Articles, Publications
Brock, Philip Lawton. If Texas Were Chile: A Primer on Banking Reform. San Francisco, CA: ICS, 1992. Print. Publications, Books
Halvorsen, Robert, and Tim R. Smith. "A Test of the Theory of Exhaustible Resources." The Quarterly Journal of Economics 106.1 (1991): 123-40. Web. Publications, Articles
Brock, Philip Lawton., Michael B. Connolly, and Claudio González Vega. Latin American Debt and Adjustment: External Shocks and Macroeconomic Policies. New York: Praeger, 1989. Print. Publications, Books
M. Atolia, C. Papageorgiou, and S.J. Turnovsky, (2021) Taxation and Public Health Investment: Policy Choices and Tradeoffs, Macroeconomic Dynamics 25, 426-461. Publications, Articles
S.J. Turnovsky and Y. Gokan, Alternative monetary policies and wealth and income inequality: The monetary instrument problem revisited, Macroeconomic Dynamics (forthcoming) Publications, Articles
Griffith, Alan, Jonas Hjort, and Yue Yu. 2023. "Local or Imported? Input Sourcing in Lopsided Low-Income Economies." Working Paper. Publications, Working Papers
Delavallade, Clara, Alan Griffith, and Rebecca Thornton. 2016. "Network Partitioning and Social Exclusion under Different Selection Regimes." Working Paper. Publications, Working Papers
Griffith, Alan. 2023. "Efficiency in the Two-Way Connections Model: A Full Characterization in the General Model." Working Paper. Publications, Working Papers
Delavallade, Clara, Alan Griffith, and Rebecca Thornton. 2021. "The Effects of a Multi-Faceted Education Program on Enrollment, Learning, and Gender Equity: Evidence from India.” World Bank Economic Review 35(4): 950-968. Publications, Articles